Weekend at home

No pictures this weekend. Chance to catch up on things. Picked up Shona for the day, who helped with cutting the lawn amd reluctantly practiced her times tables. Also taught her about square numbers. Then went shopping for a new bed. It will be the fourth in five years, so we are determined to get it right this time, and elicited the assistance of a shop that actualy knows what they are talking about.

Ok, there is one picture this week. This month's competition theme is "Windows" and we stopped to snap this:

Kathleen has already got her entry in, a snap of George and Jackie, taken at the Wirral, before we even knew what the theme was.

But if we are going to get a new bed, we really should decorate the room that it is going in to. So we need to sort out the other main bedroom so that we can sleep there while our room is decorated. Which means that we really need to sort out the workroom so that it can accommodate all the stuff properly. Which means that we need to sort out the stuff in the garage. Which means that we realy need to sort out the kites.

Whew! It isn't all done, but the workroom is mostly (but not quite completely) sorted. The kites are now in a decent order and packed. The spare room is mostly (but not quite completely) sorted. The garage is only half the mess it used to be, progress has been made in the attic. Not complete by a long way, but the plan is coming together and we feel a whole lot better about the order of things.