Kuwait 201
Faris has a new office at the top of the Panasonic building:
We went with Faris and his family to the zoo
And saw the new home he is building.
We had a day to ourselves, so we decided to explore north of the bay. It turns out that our host hadn't been there for around 25 years. The motorway was closed by armed guards and all the traffic took a diversion down to the coast and across sandy desert.
A giant kite turned up but the world conspired to stop us from flying it.
Behind the walls in a lovely kuwait home.
A chance to take some portraits before the flying starts:
Then the international visitors arrive...
New Zealand
Karen Gambol from Australia (via Dorset)
Dave Hoggan from California
Claudio Capelli from Italy
AWITA from France
The kites:
Working with the kites:
Air Banners:
The Scratch Bunnies:
Kuwait fliers
Tha Al-Farsi family
The old souk
In a country without alcohol, people party in their cars. The coast road was completely choked with people celebrating:
We arranged to go out early in the morning to see the wild flamingoes but woke up to a fog that obscured the entire city.
Party atmosphere
Night fly
Other shenanagans