Woolacoombe to Skomer

Last weekend we headed out with the Kayak to Woolacoombe. We had an outstanding time riding the heavy surf but we don't have any pictures of it. Some other snaps from the trip. First, a Falcon sat on a falconry sign. Taken through a wet windscreen, so the picture is very soft:

Sunset over the sea at Ilfracoombe

Goats in the Valley of the Rocks, Lynton


Kathleen reflecting on the Tarr Steps.

Stonehenge at sunset.

The Folk at the "Talk Photograpy" forum had arranged a three-night stay on Skomer island. We couldn't go for the three days but we joined them for a day trip.

Very tame rabbit.

Puffins being cute and photogenic as usual.

Andrew managed to catch a falcon on a far cliff. 200mm + 2x converter + heavy crop. I need the Canon 800mm...

One puffin decided to be extra cute and re-arrange the rocks.