Review: Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones
I only use headphones in two circumstances:
To listen to stuff on the computer without disturbing other people.
I have two pairs of "Tesco Value Headphones" or some such. A few quid each. One at home by the bed, for when I need to avoid disturbing Kathleen and other pair in the office for when I need to avoid exposing the rest of the company to the American "I speak your weight" presentation style so beloved of our vendors. They are no more than functional.
For Flying.
These headphones at at the opposite end of the spectrum. I started with a set of Panasonic ones, They convinced me that noise cancelling is really worthwhile on a flight. I then went and bought the best ones that Bose did at the time. Something around £250. They are just fabulous. They are light and comfortable. The noise cancelling is excellent, just outstanding. The continual driving noise is cancelled down to the hiss that you would get from a vinyl record. The crying kid in the next row is moved three rooms away. It is the only way to travel. And excellent music reproduction on top. They come in a little stiff case that is unobstrusive enough that it doesn't count as hand baggage. You get provided with two lithium ion batteries. I don't know how long they last - I've never managed to run them down. I would strongly recommend them to any frequent flyer. I mentioned it once to Peter Lynn, the most frequent flyer I know. But he answered that sound cancelling headphones could only really be effective against sound coming one specific direction and dismissed them. Fortunately, the technology design is not limited to Peter's imagination and is very effective against all ambient noise.